Monday, March 10, 2014

Courage Ramblings

Remembering to be thankful releases joy in your life.

It releases hope.

Because if you believe that something good enough to be thankful for happened once, then you can surely believe that something good enough to be thankful for will happen again.

HOPE, for good to happen again.

The truth is that goodness and mercy cover you. ALL the days of your life they cover YOU.

STOP talking about what you don't have. STOP talking about what they have. STOP grumbling in the desert when the land of plenty is steps away, the only hinderance is yourself.

Maybe the only thing stopping the blessing is you.

What if you knew who you were because you know who He is and you were bold because of hope and you became what you were created for.

What if...

Spring is upon us. It's been a long winter and I know I don't have to tell you, because you already know yourself. Sometimes we choose to continue in the winter, the dark and lonely, because the joy of spring is so foreign and risky. The chance you take on a smile to a stranger means that you may walk away without a smile in return. BUT when you know who you are you know that your identity doesn't come from what ANYONE can do to you, but from what He did FOR you.

Oh man, I know who you are!

The darkness only has hold on you if you're not willing to turn on the light.

The light is here. It's Daylight Savings Time and our days are filled with more light. Hallelujah!

It's here! It's a new time and a new season is on the horizon.

Look and become and run with boldness and tell me alllllll about it because I want to shout with you when you see it too.'s Monday. It's good.


Unknown said...

Beautiful - thanks, Samantha!

Unknown said...
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