I can't get Jason Upton's song out of my head this week.
They will know we are christians by our love.
They will KNOW we are christians by our love.
I'm dissecting my life and my words and my actions and my hope, my hope, is that just living, just running errands to Target and buying groceries at Giant, I can have a ministry that is known, is known to the ones I push my cart by, because of my love. His love.
They will know we are christians by our love.
How will they know? Will I stop for the one? The one that drops something in the aisle or the one that spends money on groceries, but doesn't have money for heat. The one that's shopping through exhaustion because they didn't sleep last night. Every. Single. One.
They will know we are christians by our love.
For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 2 Corinth 5:14
It compels me. I think about it all. the. time. It dictates my day. It fills my mind and restrains my words and thoughts.
It compels me.
I am so sorry if you have been hurt by a christian who wasn't walking in love. I am so sorry that you felt rejected. I am so sorry that you've seen hypocrisy first hand and it made you angry.
But there is a better way. It's not ok that they have given God a bad reputation, but I do know God and I do know that He has never wavered. He has never been a hypocrite and if you feel hurt or angry or rejected, then run to Him because He will never let you down.
We've made so much about being rejected, but we've made nothing about being accepted. (Todd White)
You ARE accepted. You ARE loved. People are human and imperfect, but that's not who my God is. He loves you with furious love. I love you. I know that sounds cheesy and churchy, but I do. I really. do.
Today is a new day and this could be the most real word that you have heard this week, and it's true and alive, and it can change your life.
It compels me.
Cheers. May they know that we are christians by our love.
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
2 days ago
Samantha, you are indeed "a living letter from Christ . . . written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." Thanks for sharing this reminder. Opportunities to shine abound!
Emily, YES! We get the best job in the whole world. Thanks for your comment.
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