Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Extra Extra


E. X. T. R. A. 

It followed me around all day. 

Extra time. Extra patience. Extra joy. Extra presence. Extra hands to help. Extra resources to give. Extra. 

I told my other half, while we ate, "Jesus himself said that He didn't come to give us a little life, He came to give us abundant life. More than enough."

Today felt like that. So, why? Why did today, a Tuesday in July feel so different? I did what every other analytical woman would do, and I tried to figure out the formula to duplicate it. 

And here's what I came up with. 

I had no agenda today. 
I had no preconceived ideas of what it would look like. 
Aslan felt hot in the middle of the day and instead of getting sad about my could-have-been-plans, I made a spontaneous picnic with Eva at home. 
I layed on a raft in the pool with Will Reagan blaring in the wind. 
I looked my kids in the eyes. 
I took it slow. 
I kept my phone in another room and made art with black and white. 
I spent time with my mom and called my grandma. 
Brandon and I danced around the pool. 

My analyzing brought me to one conclusion: nothing was done in haste and there was no hurrying the day away. 

Living in the moment produces extra. Extra produces and atmosphere to hear heaven and release the abundance of what's left over. It is the more than enough that we are meant to carry and release. 

Now...can I get a dose of this for tomorrow? Cheer me on and I'll cheer you on. 

Extra. Let's live there. 

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