Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1
This is what we are supposed to do AFTER the realization that Christ has set us free, for freedom sake.
Sounds like a warning. Like, get ready because the winds may blow hard, so get ready.
Don't go back to how it was, again, with that collar around your neck.
It wasn't fashionable. It wasn't comfortable.
So, stand firm.
I'm standing. Are you standing?
Wait, not good enough. Stand FIRM.
Jesus, thank you for roots that go deep. Thank you for holding me when the winds blow so hard, my body simply can't stand firm.
Thank you for freedom. Just like in the garden, shameless freedom to be me.
YES yes yes. You get to be you and I get to be me. And I get to love you because you look like Him.
So, stand firm. You got this.
Freedom tastes so good. Let's spend time there today.
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
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