Friday, July 1, 2011


An open invitation to come, drink, and leave filled. Joyous laughter and heart mending sincerity. I've been lavished upon these last 2 weeks. Baby Aslan has entered my heart and home and in all my mess, I have been cared for and loved while I've given until bloody. Poured out until empty. Birth is such a spiritual act. It's purity at the very core. A humble being, from God's own womb to mine, and then emerging to dirty hands and imperfections. I welcome grace. I welcome joy. I welcome patience. And He fills me. It's unending and I will keep asking. Fill me again. Fill me again. And He says, you are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Awww choked up. little sam!
you are a great mother!
I am so proud of you.

Kelly said...

Soooooooo good! Love that "from his womb to mine" powerful!!!! Just like your baby and just like his mama