Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Elijah James

I've gone to write this a thousand times, but I can't conjure up the words.

How in the world do you put into words an experience that answered a prayer.

A simple, "If I can get back into that atmosphere someday, I want to. I want to be there...", I told my husband almost 4 years ago. Apparently, God heard me too and he whispered that line into the ears of my friends.

Leslie and Cyle were told they had less than a 1% chance of getting pregnant. They put all their faith in a word from a Dr., "If you go back to the states (they were living in the Bahamas), they can better help with your infertility there."

Within the first 2 weeks of living in Pennsylvania, Leslie was pregnant. Naturally. God chose to give them a miracle baby. A baby boy.

I won't tell you the details of her labor, that's Leslie's story to tell, but I will tell you that it was one of the most beautiful, peaceful, strong, determined, warring, selfless, acts of love I have ever seen. It's actually the only labor and birth that I have ever seen, besides my own. I am beyond honored, shaking my head in awe and amazement, that I could witness such a miracle.

Do you remember all the miracles you read about in Sunday School?

Miracles don't always come without a price, but they are always given freely.

Elijah James was born at 1:05am on Sunday. He weighed 9lb, 14.5oz. He has lots of dark hair and little -big hands that can palm a basketball. He's adorable.

Minutes before Elijah's birth, options were set before Leslie on a platter. I could see her heart ache, as she chose the less desirable. The doctor and the nurse walked away and something began to take over the room, a surge of determination and fight.

One push, and the cheers brought the doctor and the nurse running. Our team cheered her on and with one more push, Elijah was ready for comfort in his mama's arms.

Everything changes when we cheer each other on. When life hands you the less desirable, call out to determination and fight. New life is waiting, just on the other side.

Congratulations Leslie and Cyle! You are already amazing parents. You are wonderful friends. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your birth and experience such a gift myself. Welcome home Elijah!!!


1 comment:

JasonBethMicah said...

*tears* What a beautiful little boy and amazing story! Congrats Leslie and Cyle!! Many blessings to you and sweet Elijah!