Saturday, December 28, 2013


Let me back up.

He threw out the seeds. And He threw it out good. 

So much seed we could hardly contain it in our barns. Babies. Homes. Jobs. Miraculous finances. Revelation. Vans. Increase. Release. Opportunities. Healing. Did I mention yours? Add it to the list.

In fact, at times the seed seemed like more than we could be entrusted with. 

And then it was time to dig and spread, water and watch. 

And we watched throughout summer. We watched throughout fall.

And we wait, throughout this winter. 


We are going to live out the harvest. The seeds you were given and you sowed in 2013, you will reap in 2014.

Get ready to laugh again. Get ready to receive. Get ready to tell your stories of His goodness because you are gonna be so full, so filled, so overflowing, that your mouth won't be able to speak the words fast enough. Your brain won't be able to connect the dots quick enough.

2014. A year of giving without limit. A year of receiving without limit.

All of your life has led up to this year, right now. NOW.

It WILL be the best year yet. We will look more like Him than we ever have in the history of the world. Forward motion, forward motion, forward motion. The seasons are changing. Hold on and open eyes wide this winter, because when spring comes, the floods are coming.

And I can't wait.

You can jump in and get soaked or let fear sit you on the sidelines.

But you won't. YOU WON'T.

Because 2014 is your year. You are needed. Write it down. Spray paint the walls of your heart.

We are going to live out the harvest. The seeds you were given and you sowed in 2013, you will reap in 2014.



Laure Covert said...

Wow! encouraging right at the best moment for me. Thanks for this post.

Lia said...

All I can say is, "AMEN!!!" Thanks for this post. It was right on time.