Thursday, December 26, 2013


There we are. Sitting for the the flash. The capture. This moment after the dance party, after the toast, and after the birth. The birth of a babe, God, yet man. There we are. Just like those wise men, we know in part, we do our jobs, and we wait anticipating the glorious coming.
 My sister, forthright and willing. Zach, her faithful and trusty (boy)friend.
 My brother and his son, the one whom we toasted, the one whom we cheer on as he fathers. He knows sacrifice. He knows love. Because this is what love does. It's patient and kind. It never fails.
 Three generations. My mom is shining! I hope I got those genes!
 I never though I looked like my mom, but when I look at us all together, I think I can see a resemblance. Do you see it? You should see our hands. Identical.
 Christmas Day! Stockings filled with the necessities of life: toothbrush, loofah, and water bottle
 I could travel the world and identify this shadow anywhere. We will compliment rather than compete. We are quite the team.
 Who needs the presents right? Ready...
 When I was growing up, my mom would hide our last present, the BIG present, and give us clues. We continued this tradition this year and oh, oh, it was a success. This was Aslan's expression when he was given the first clue. Pure excitement.
Eva's second clue, a picture of a closet with jackets inside (ignore whatever is on my head).
The last present, their "treasure". And this has been happening ever since.
 Brandon's parents and mom feasted and joined in the play at our house. Yes, our new house. Bliss. So very blessed.
And the finale. The beginning and the end. A happy birthday song to the babe and the king himself.

Cheers to you and yours. Jesus, fill them with revelation these next few days. Give them plans and dreams for 2014. Make the most out of our lives. Hands and feet. Amen!

1 comment:

Karen McGrady said...

Really precious pictures!