Thursday, February 27, 2014


Thank you Jesus

Thank you Jesus

Thank you Jesus...

It's all I could mutter after a simple playdate with friends.

It's in the everyday that Jesus, Jesus, wants to break us out of our chains.

It's in the everyday that Jesus, Jesus, wants to meet you where you are.

And where are you? Are you sitting on mountain high or sobbing in valley low? Because He's there. He's been there all along. Do you realize that every moment you've had breath, He's been there. He never leaves.

Oh God, make us aware that you are here. HERE, right where we are.

Almost 5 years ago a trap called anxiety took hook in my life and today, thank you Jesus, I watched another part get cast away. It's like in the comic books when you look at a picture in motion and you see the motion lines drawn, yeah, that's what I see when I look back on this simple act of obedience.

I've been tuning into this Firestorm and all I can say is that I don't want to be left behind. When you stand on the top of a cliff and look down into the water and some people are jumping and some people are turning around, but you know that there's a risk of pain when you smack that water, but you know there's beauty and thrill if you jump, then JUMP if you've been made to JUMP.

The fire means you're gonna be refined, but it's only the most refined that get to see the face. It's only the true worshippers that get to ascend the holy hill. And before you throw your hands high, think about it, think about the risk, and then throw those hands up higher because EVEN IF THE ONLY REWARD YOU EVER RECEIVE IS HIM, HE IS WORTH THE FIRE. He is worth the refining.

I was once told by someone that they had a word for me. Sometimes words warn and sometimes words encourage and sometimes words simply speak truth. And the word was, "Lonely at the top". And I don't know about you, but initially that word seemed a little depressing. It reads like a negative, but in my spirit I knew exactly what this meant and as this person continued to describe more of this word, I swallowed the risk of being alone and digested the place of being at the top, right next to Jesus. Like John, tucked under His arm, so close that His heart beat can be heard. 

I'm vulnerable with my words, not so much so that you can know more about me, but that you too might watch those hooks fly away. I'm excited that you too will JUMP off the cliff and we can talk about the thrill of the fall and the depths of the water together. 

Thank you Jesus

Thank you. 

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