It's like when you knock over the first domino. The cascade begins as a slow trickle until ...
there is no stopping the waterfall of clicks.
Our days have been a little bit like that. I don't even know what started the trickle of "go here" and "run there", but last week was a fun waterfall of friends and pools and kids and laughter. Oh, and good food. A LOT of good food.
And then I feel it. That twinge. That little lull in my morning. That little missing link when we sing "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, REJOICE!".
It's the busyness that I will say NO to if it overshadows my time with Him. It's my pencil-filled-calendar that seems too crowded for the secret place. It's showing up on Sunday and realizing how desperate and lovesick I feel for my best friend.
So, today is a new day. I will make space for Him because without Him there really is no meaning. It's a cascade of dominos, and we all know what happens after the last one falls over. NOTHING.
But time spent with Him affects everything and gives definition to my busy, fun-friend-pool-kid-laughter-food filled days.
How Great Is This Children’s Book About Feelings?
15 hours ago
quiet times aside...what is that salad and when can it get in my belly?
Haha, you like that?! I'll make it for you anytime! Here's the link. It's from that new fave blog I was telling you about...
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