Thursday, October 25, 2012

Boomerang...In your EYE

It was in a meeting about congregational care, that he spoke about judgement. Erik spoke out, describing our posture, as it should be when we act like hands and feet to them. He said that if we live to keep rules and check off the lists of what we've done right, then we pass on to others that same set of rules and checklists to see if they measure up. If they don't-judgement. It sneaks in there, stealthily, camouflaged as wisdom or something. But, oh no, it was He who was blameless and yet looked past our blemishes. Once we can relate to others like He relates to us, whoa, judgment fall and love stand up. He said this, "Once people are free from condemnation, they are free from sin". Because aren't we really our worst critics anyway?
Man, I am to blame, but I also am forgiven. He is over it and so am I. Moving on, and I am so enlightened with this new perspective. Eyes to see them like He sees. To see past the facade and see their story. To hear past the hurt, and speak with truth.  

I feel this is heavy. I know, not the fluffy "Wordless Wednesday", but if we could all really digest this and spit it out, what could happen? Oh the possibilities, if we would just see the world like He sees. See the angry clerk and realize this job is a shelter from the abuse at home. Hear the curses from the bitter man, and realize he never heard the words I love you. 

because I know that it's not about works, it's about forgiveness.
Shooooa. I am preachin' to my spirit in this. 
So, YOU... be released from that old judgment. Shake off those rusty chains and let them crash to the floor. Pick up those new light weight wings and give that new vision a whirl from where He stands.


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