Saturday, September 21, 2013

Stolen My Heart

I lie in bed, a new tree-filled sky sits outside my windows. This place we now call home, it has stolen my heart. 

Why is it so hard to wait, when the promises are just around the corner? Because trust me, I was over my head with impatience and apathy. Almost 3 months to the day, since we embarked in this renovation. Almost 3 months of few glimpses of my husband, setbacks, physical pain, and isolation. 

But in the midst of it all, God was still God. 

And if you're like me, you believe that God is always good. He's a rewarder. He's a lover. He is merciful. 

He looked at our little, teeny tiny situation, our promise fulfilled, and He saw with eyes bigger than mine. He held onto wisdom wider than mine. He's slow to anger, a good papa. 

We celebrate with champagne toasts. I float back and forth in the kitchen, in awe of the new flow. I plan The Party, the THANKFUL Party, where we will gush over each hand and heart that gave along the way. 

Going into the weekend I have simple things on my mind:
-Those things that God builds are always growing, but what man creates, is falling away. 
-Stay connected. Even if it only means connecting to Him, stay. 
-Rita Springer was right, It's gonna be worth it all. I believe it. 
-Life's a party. Choose to celebrate, not sit on the side. 
The next post will be my last renovation post. Stay tuned for pics and before/afters!

1 comment:

Alia said...

Thanks for the message. I really needed to hear that. It's hard to be in the midst of waiting even though you know the promise is coming.
Congratulations on the house! :)