Monday, February 10, 2014


It tis a happy Monday round here. Why you ask? Oh, well my husband is FINISHED working at the Sportsman Show. That, for starters, is awesome. Secondly, I had the privilege to meet with world changers last night. It was a meeting of the minds, err, hands actually. A little community for those of us joined in rebellion against worldly demands and time constraints. We pioneer a 24/7 prayer assault on the enemy and co-labor with the kingdom. I feel like only fancy shmancy words do it justice, and even at that, I'm lacking. I'm so lacking.

Pioneer. Pioneer.

What in this world are you a pioneer of?

I'm asking you. What in this world are you pioneering?

Write it down. Do you have an answer? You probably have 4 or 5.

Are you pioneering things for the moment? This with long term weight?

My mind went sailing last night, daydreaming of a time when I didn't really love to pray. Gasp. What?! Now listen, there's more. It's not that I didn't like talking to God, but I was a worshipper. I am a worshipper. Every day I came home, say from 12 years to 17, again from 20-22, and I would tuck myself into the piano room and play...and worship. No one was home. Dad was still at work. Just me and my best friend. I was seriously addicted. I loved nothing more than to worship and even though that sounds overly churchy and ridiculously exaggerated, it's true.

I loved to listen to worship music, play the piano and sing, at home or on stage. I loved to write music and even recorded an album once (crazy!). And then I got pregnant with my first babe and simply put, I stepped back from the practices and the stage-time and even playing at home took a back seat. It was hard, really hard.

However, in hindsight, it was all part of this bigger plan. We are all chess pieces in this game of life, and no matter which way you go, the move is in your favor.

I couldn't sit down at the keys anymore, but I could surely hold my new babe and pray. I could talk to the one who made the universe and still cared about me and my new life as a mom. THAT, I could do.

And that was almost 5 years ago. I could pray while nursing in the middle of the night. I could still be in the "ministry" if I prayed for the girl sitting alone on the beach or for my grandfather with Lyme's Disease. You can STILL BE USED by GOD, even if you're not in a church building, and that was all I wanted, to be hands and feet.

That's my little story of how I added prayer to my worshipper's heart. Isn't it cool to take a look back, purposefully, and see WHY you are WHERE you are right now? What will it look like in 5 more years?

Tidbits He's taught me along the way (I have so much to learn):

Don't say you're going to pray...pray.

Prayer is talking to God. Your words have the power of life or death. Your prayers can create life or cause death.

Prayer connects heaven to earth.

I prayed for a woman once who was off the side of the road in a ravine (true story). I was the second person on the scene. After calling 911, I crawled down the ravine and laid my hand on her hood and declared life over her body. She was unconscious. That was a year and a half ago. She did not die. She is still in PT for her injuries, but God saved her life.

Prayer isn't about us, it's about Him.

If you're afraid to pray or afraid of the outcome, you're thinking that you control the results, it's not about you.

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