Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Ice Storm Ain't Got Nothin'

It is unsettling, waking to powerless silence. The crackling of breaking trees outside windows and salt trucks bliterating the slush. 

What is a house without the amenities of a home? No husband to make plans with. No stove to make eggs on. The trap of garage-door-openers that sit frozen and heat that won't ignite. We leave this home, the kids and I, haphazardly hoisted into the Pilot and set out for a new safe(warm) place. 

Tomato Pie and my mom's house. Coffee and warmth. The rescue to my heart and belly. 

We work with fast hands, cleaning dust and washing dishes. Eva slips silverware into columns and Aslan splashes while bubbles pop. It seems the least we can do for open doors and bed for napping. Aslan sleeps in a big bed, the first time without a crib. Tear tear. What a day for my memories!

Thank you God. We are warm and we are safe. Thank you for Brandon's drive that got him to work. Thank you for friends and family who text and call, offering company and prayers. 

Ice storm. You ain't got nothin on our love. 

Cheers to the fire of family and friends!

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