Thursday, December 13, 2012

In The Car

It was just a week ago that I told you about the ADVENT COUNTDOWN for the mamas and dads of the house. This isn't that story, but it starts there.

I always say there's "Joy in the Journey" when we leave for a l o n g car ride. Yes, I'm pleading with the kids in those words, begging for happiness in our car. We took a 2 hour drive to visit grandparents and you're not gonna believe what He said. IN THE CAR.

Brandon is in mid-conversation and I'm asking God in my head how much we should offer for a house we want to buy. I hear Him say 165. 165??? God, you want us to offer 165? Psalm. Psalms 165?

Brandon's still talking to me. Stealthily, I grab my phone and look up Psalm 16:5 in my Bible App. HA! You are not going to believe this.

"MY CHOICE IS YOU, GOD, FIRST and ONLY. AND NOW I find I'm YOUR CHOICE! You set me up with A HOUSE AND YARD. And then you made me your heir."

Can you believe that?! I mean, He told me this in the car! Talk about joy in the journey!

I burst out laughing. Brandon gave me an eye like, "Hey, that wasn't really funny so whyareyoulaughingwhileImtalking?" kind of look.

I relayed the story and he was laughing and smiling with me.

So, moral of the story: God can and will talk to YOU anywhere. Look for Him. Listen for Him. He will surprise you. Yes, YOU! And when He does...come back here and tell me about it, because I want to laugh with you too.

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